Juliet balconies, also known as false balconies or balconets, are a type of aesthetic balcony that doesn’t project from the building. Most are installed behind glazed sliding, French or bifold doors on the upper floors, with the balcony element effectively functioning as a safety barrier.
While it does not increase square footage, a Juliet balcony can bring a modern twist to an old building, add style and personality to a new home and is a great way to add a more open feel to rooms above ground level – making them ideal for opening up flats and penthouses to nature with floor-to-ceiling vistas.
It is well known that thoughtfully designed home improvements can have a marked impact on the appearance and curb appeal of a home – and therefore also on property values. This is particularly true for all types of balconies, including the Juliet, which can add 5-10% to the value of your property. Due to the affordability of installation, this means a Juliet balcony is highly likely to bring a significant return on the investment when selling.
As well as adding a unique feature and increasing the light and views from inside, a high-end Juliet balcony can provide an interesting flash of design to the outside of your property and make it stand out visually – increasing curb appeal to guarantee a memorable first impression for prospective buyers should you come to sell.
As a Juliet balcony does not increase floorspace or require the construction of an external platform, it would typically be covered under permitted development rights, rather than requiring full planning permission. Without those limitations, a Juliet balcony can be comparatively quick and cost-effective to install compared to a traditional balcony.
It is important to note that some properties, including listed buildings and those in conservation areas, may still require planning permission. Always check with your local planning authority what development is permitted on your property before starting work.
While you don’t need planning permission to install a Juliet balcony, there are still current building regulations and guidelines that must be followed:
Looking for inspiration for your Juliet balcony? Check out the following case studies:
IDSystems offer frameless, bespoke glass balustrades – a seamless design solution that is perfect for Juliet balconies. Made to order, they offer safety, elegance and unbroken views thanks to our recessed channels system.
They can be fitted to commercial or domestic properties and are available with a range of personalisation options for finishes and handrails.
Contact us for a quote and to find the perfect glass balustrades for your property.